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Everything posted by OYNOMED

  1. where is the virustotal scan?


    Include VirusTotal of the tool that is being posted, it should not be a rar scan make sure you scan all the files including exe's and any type of dll's or other files which come with it.
  3. this is what i'm looking for PORNHUB, thanks for sharing brother, let me test. EDIT: I thought its pless :(
  4. Time to sell runescape accounts, thanks for cracking.

    Help BlackBullet

    post your config here
  6. hmm, i will start selling fortnite, thanks sir :)
  7. let me check for educational purpose
  8. So, are we using the same url ;) no, different URL see pic, lots of backup I know but that doesn't mean all of them have login page xD, most of them redirect to bangbros.com yeah, i know, just choose one without recaptcha :D
  9. So, are we using the same url ;) no, different URL see pic, lots of backup

    x5 RealityKings.com

    [hide] rgorfo@hotmail.com:157375 samcheng_1979@hotmail.com:540542545 ungerlaw@hotmail.com:newjade r_schuchardt@web.de:reschu lythas@gmail.com:papercut [/hide]
  11. let's see if i can dehash bcrypt, thanks for sharing mate.
  12. Let's see if all the modules are working, thanks admin.

    RealityKings 3x

    [hide] [/hide]
  14. i like this HQ forum :D
  15. As tittle says, i'm selling SMBA and BB configuration made by me, cheapest price on the Market, just visit my selly shop for available config :) I still making more configs, you can also message me for custom config, especially API config from ANDROID and IOS app. [align=center]-TERMS OF SERVICE- You can't leak and resell the config. I can change my TOS anytime and no refund if the config stops working,[/align] sites security is not my responsibility. I can try to fix the config if site is still crackable.
  16. SELLING CHEAP RANDOM PREMIUM ACCOUNTS VISIT MY SHOP FOR THE AVAILABLE PREMIUM ACCOUNTS IN STOCK NOTE: [align=center] ACCOUNTS ARE VALID AND CHECKED BEFORE I POST IN MY SELLY SHOP Read TOS first before complaining and contact me before you leave negative feedback on my selly shop just reply to this thread or PM me your order ID for the replacement. Contact me on Discord ComboMast3r#3980 [/align] [align=center]- TERMS OF SERVICE -AFTER PURCHASING DO NOT CONTACT ME UNLESS IT'S ABOUT THE ACCOUNT - NO REFUNDS UNLESS THE ACCOUNT DOES NOT WORK (I WILL CHECK MYSELF) - IF YOU NO LONGER HAVE ACCESS TO THE ACCOUNT BECAUSE YOU CHANGED PASSWORD/EMAIL I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT HAPPENS AFTER. - IF THE ACCOUNT YOU BUY IS ACTIVE I WILL NOT GIVE YOU A REPLACEMENT OR A REFUND - I WILL NOT ISSUE A REFUND OR REPLACEMENT IF THE ACCOUNT YOU BOUGHT IS NOT PLAYABLE ON THE PLATFORM YOU WANT. - IF THE ACCOUNT HAS ITS PASSWORD CHANGED AFTER I GIVE YOU THE ACCOUNT I WILL NOT GIVE YOU A REFUND AND THAT IS FINAL! - I AM NOT obligated to Refund nor give you a Replacement under any circumstances. You are purchasing these accounts knowing they are cracked and can be pulled back by the original owner at anytime. In case of a account that doesn't work which was bought within the half and hour, a replacement or refund will be given.[/align]