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Shadow last won the day on October 24

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  1. View Advert ATM Jackpotting Malware -DIEBOLD - NO USB ACCESS NFC ATM Jackpotting Malware. Works only at NCR SelfServ NCR ProCash modes (WORLDWIDE). Withdraws all cassettes one-by-one. DOESN'T REQUIRE USB ACCESS OR ANY PHYSICAL INSIDE ACCESS. Injects through NFC card. You will need a very specific software to use it. I'll help with links where you can buy it. Overall spendings will be around 50-100 USD. I will stop selling at any time. As soon as I realize that too many people use it.. Manual and safety guide will be included with software. Any technical details won't be shared until funds are in escrow. Advertiser Shadow Date 11/11/2021 Price $2,000.00 Category Carding equipment  

    • FOR SALE
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    NFC ATM Jackpotting Malware. Works only at NCR SelfServ NCR ProCash modes (WORLDWIDE). Withdraws all cassettes one-by-one. DOESN'T REQUIRE USB ACCESS OR ANY PHYSICAL INSIDE ACCESS. Injects through NFC card. You will need a very specific software to use it. I'll help with links where you can buy it. Overall spendings will be around 50-100 USD. I will stop selling at any time. As soon as I realize that too many people use it.. Manual and safety guide will be included with software. Any technical details won't be shared until funds are in escrow.


  3. View Advert ATM Jackpotting Malware - Wincor NFC NFC ATM Jackpotting Malware. Works only at NCR SelfServ NCR ProCash modes (WORLDWIDE). Withdraws all cassettes one-by-one. DOESN'T REQUIRE USB ACCESS OR ANY PHYSICAL INSIDE ACCESS. Injects through NFC card. You will need a very specific software to use it. I'll help with links where you can buy it. Overall spendings will be around 50-100 USD. I will stop selling at any time. As soon as I realize that too many people use it.. Manual and safety guide will be included with software. Any technical details won't be shared until funds are in escrow. Advertiser Shadow Date 11/11/2021 Price $2,200.00 Category Carding equipment  

    • FOR SALE
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    NFC ATM Jackpotting Malware. Works only at NCR SelfServ NCR ProCash modes (WORLDWIDE). Withdraws all cassettes one-by-one. DOESN'T REQUIRE USB ACCESS OR ANY PHYSICAL INSIDE ACCESS. Injects through NFC card. You will need a very specific software to use it. I'll help with links where you can buy it. Overall spendings will be around 50-100 USD. I will stop selling at any time. As soon as I realize that too many people use it.. Manual and safety guide will be included with software. Any technical details won't be shared until funds are in escrow.


  5. View Advert ATM Jackpotting Malware - NCR - NO USB ACCESS NFC ATM Jackpotting Malware. Works only at NCR SelfServ NCR ProCash modes (WORLDWIDE). Withdraws all cassettes one-by-one. DOESN'T REQUIRE USB ACCESS OR ANY PHYSICAL INSIDE ACCESS. Injects through NFC card. You will need a very specific software to use it. I'll help with links where you can buy it. Overall spendings will be around 50-100 USD. I will stop selling at any time. As soon as I realize that too many people use it.. Manual and safety guide will be included with software. Any technical details won't be shared until funds are in escrow. Advertiser Shadow Date 11/11/2021 Price $2,500.00 Category Carding equipment  

    • FOR SALE
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    NFC ATM Jackpotting Malware. Works only at NCR SelfServ NCR ProCash modes (WORLDWIDE). Withdraws all cassettes one-by-one. DOESN'T REQUIRE USB ACCESS OR ANY PHYSICAL INSIDE ACCESS. Injects through NFC card. You will need a very specific software to use it. I'll help with links where you can buy it. Overall spendings will be around 50-100 USD. I will stop selling at any time. As soon as I realize that too many people use it.. Manual and safety guide will be included with software. Any technical details won't be shared until funds are in escrow.


  7. Blackbullet 2.1.6 Cracked by Shadow ------------------------------------------- CHANGELOG FOR VERSION 2.1.6 DISCLAIMER: If the feature you requested is not in this patch please DO NOT come complain to me, I will come to it eventually, just understand I prefer to make smaller patches more often instead of a big one with all the features in it. NOTE: In patch 2.1.0 the config format was changed, your Configs list will be purged and you need to convert your old .ini configs into .bbc using the converter in Configs --> Conversion. You can do it in bulk too. For encrypted configs, ask your seller for a new one. MAJOR: - [bugfix] Hits in bruteforcer are flickering way less often - [bugfix] CPM won't go to zero randomly anymore MINOR: - [bugfix] Can't create a config with no path anymore - [Wording] Changed "Delete All" to "Purge" to avoid confusion You won't able to load ini config into this version of blackbullet because they developer changed the format to .bbc However we included a converter that can convert .ini configs into .bbc You won't able to load any configs made from legit version of blackbullet because they are already encrypted and the decryption keys are stored on their server. You can however share Blackbullet configs which are made from cracked version with others who has the cracked version aswell! Download: [hide][/hide]
  8. Shadow


  9. Nothing new in 2.1.6, was working on 2.1.5 already so released this.
  10. [align=center]Guys the blackbullet ini to bbc converter is currently not working because We forgot to add few letters to the converter, so please wait a day to get this fixed. [/align] CHANGELOG MAJOR: - [bugfix] Now properly distributing all proxies to bots when concurrent use is selected instead of letting them use a single proxy until it's banned - [Feature] You can now Ctrl+Z (once) to restore the last deleted block in its original position - [Feature] Automatic Suggested Bots and automatic Wordlist Starting Position when selecting a Config or a Wordlist (respectively) in a Scheduler task MINOR: - [bugfix] Added a small delay after Force in brute to avoid clicking start again - [bugfix] No more crashes when trying to load no config Guys quick note about the cracked version, you won't able to load any configs made from legit version of blackbullet because they are already encrypted and the decryption keys are stored on their server. You can however share Blackbullet configs which are made from cracked version with others who has the cracked version aswell! ENTER ANYTHING FOR USERNAME & PASSWORD! [hide]!DbRSVCyA!P4WgUTRTxqZQR5X7rDa2Zlno57Em_iqgZPgMzQ44TZk[/hide]
  11. Thanks for the suggestions, we will look into it.
  12. Never liked Lil Pump, WTF happened to Kanye tho.