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Everything posted by VTheJones

  1. I Already got the software just want to say thanks for the awesome job
  2. Thank u so much for sharing this keep the good work
  3. Just Dumped: Show me some love :heart: : [hide] jamesslaughter07@yahoo.com:j1a9m8e9s tirzashulman@gmail.com:Raptureme spchristian154@hotmail.com:massie154 crono9997@gmail.com:d81022 jodixon114@gmail.com:starocean2 afflictionpwnage@yahoo.com:mittens1 ctplante@gmail.com:123ok456 madgriffen1337@yahoo.com:dragon505 benet.hennessey@mac.com:britannia1 CMas123456@gmail.com:shadow1453 [/hide]
  4. yup i missed that but i will be nice if u add a botton to do the job anyway thanks men
  5. This Helped me so much to deal with my combos so i decided to share it with u Features: Email to User: Converting EMAIL:PASS combo to USER:PASS combo. Remove duplicates Only removing duplicate lines from text. Combo extractor: Extract EMAIL:PASS from plain text. Email extractor: Extract emails from plain text. Add domain: Add domain to USER:PASS, etc. (username:pass > username@gmail.com:pass) Combo combiner: Combine usernames and passwords with choosable delimiter. Hash identifier: Show you type of any hash, etc. (e4d909c290d0fb1ca068ffaddf22cbd0 > MD5) Leech combo: Extract EMAIL:PASS from given link. Email sorter: Sort emails, etc. (123@gmail.com > @gmail.com) Text splitter: Split files to smaller files. Download : [hide] https://yadi.sk/d/ApC5ioy0TCXdTQ [/hide]
  6. didnt find where to lock the download link it will be cool if u add it