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Posts posted by TheN3RoX

  1. Make sure you use it in your thread from now on wards so your thread won't get removed.



    [align=center]Requires Proxies Yes/No

    Recommended No. of Bots

    Combo Type Username/Email Password or Both

    Last Checked (Enter a date when you last tested the config)[/align]

    Add a screenshot of the config working (Optional)

    • Like 12

  2. Make sure you use it in your thread from now on wards so your thread won't get removed.



    [align=center]Requires Proxies Yes/No

    Recommended No. of Bots

    Combo Type Username/Email Password or Both

    Last Checked (Enter a date when you last tested the config)[/align]

    [align=center]Add a screenshot of the config working (Optional)


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  3. There is a format which should be followed to post any type of Cracking related tools, if not followed your thread will be removed without providing any warning whatsoever.




    • Include VirusTotal of the tool that is being posted, it should not be a rar scan make sure you scan all the files including exe's and any type of dll's or other files which come with it.
    • No Short URLs/ Money Making URLs Allowed it will lead to a suspension or a ban if repeated.
    • Give any additional info that is required for the user to use the tool without getting into any sort of trouble.

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