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  1. WILL SELL TO ONLY 1 PERSON! Starting price for checker 300 eur. Starting price for config 150 eur. PM me discord: kostrikov#5213
  2. Freshly dumped 100k+ SQLI Combolist by cool dud Kostrikov. Parsed as well! Date of the leak: 9/24/18 Rows of the combolist: 103 408 Private: Yes (But semi-private) Has been used on websites before the leak: YES a few mins ago before posting here. Download: [hide]https://mega.nz/#!uG5SSQ4R!Iv1QV1LUDwqAXh7auYG1Xva4LmzRUBUXa38c15bI7no[/hide]
  3. WARNING: Don't buy if you don't know how to use dorks, because I won't teach you how to do it. DORKS ARE NOT HAND-WRITTEN NOTE: Dorks are PRIVATE for each user. Dorks are NOT shared among users. Each user gets PRIVATE dorks only for him/her. Dorks are scraped from a PRIVATE DATABASE that is updated by me DAILY. AVAILABE: GAMING, SHOPPING, LEAGUE OF LEGENDS, PORN AND MIXED DORKS! SNEAK PEAK:
  4. BUY: https://selly.gg/p/c780b254 Price $50 I ONLY ACCEPT BITCOIN. Hello everyone! I present to you my brand new 2018 - Dork and Database ebook. This is a revolutionary ebook, where I explain my personal tested methods on how to make SUPER HQ DORKS with a 100% success rate. Also in the ebook it is explained well on how to use those dorks properly in many ways and at the end how to extract the databases in great speed. Here is how I will explain the ebook shortly: 100% GUARANTEED DATABASES 100% HIGH QUALITY 100% WORKING METHODS 100% SATISFACTION 100% WORTH IT YOU WILL GET DATABASES (COMBOLISTS) IN UNDER AN HOUR! YOU WILL BECOME A DORKING GOD WITH READING THE EBOOK ONCE. Goal of the ebook: 100% SATISFIED COSTUMERS; MAKE BEGINERS PROS; Getting HQ databases as fast as possible; Help database (mostly combolist) sellers to get as many as possible in a short amount of time with the biggest quality; Get from 0 to a 100 with reading the ebook just once; It is easy to read and understand making you gain my skills with reading it once, also including my live support. DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/meWjYVt
  5. Hello, we are happy to release our new dork tool. Why is this tool the best: Can combine prefix, keyword, file type, parameter and afterfix; Fastest dork tool; Simplest dork tool. Run the tool in python 2.7.x Credits: @aggr3ssor Spoiler: Download: [hide]https://github.com/Aggr3ssor/PyDorker/[/hide] For any questions regarding the tool please contact me or @aggr3ssor . Enjoy. K5
  6. Here is kind of a tutorial on how to write google dorks. With these dorks you get tons of GOOGLE HQ URLS! Vulnerable sites roll down easy with this tutorial. Don't waste time if you don't know what dorks are and how they work. Don't waste time if you don't have any experience with cracking. [hide] Okay, so if you are reading this I'm assuming you already know what are dorks and how they work. The dorks we are going to write programmers, web designers and other crackers call "GOOGLE DORKS", other people call them Complex or Deluxe dorks. Basically google dorks are dorks that abuse the power of google to get websites. Google dorks (Complex/deluxe dorks) are a bit different than the regular dorks we all know. Here is a regular dork: crackers.php?site= Here are a few examples of google dorks: Inurl: "crackesr" + ".to" allinurl: "crackers" + "kostrikov" related: "cracking" + "crackers" inurl: index.php?site= intext: "games" + site:com There is no easy way of making these than writing them. I recommend using Notepad++ to write them on. Download notepad++ : https://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/ First of all you need to know what you are looking for. Google dorks are a bit precise so you need to have a clear target. Let's say steam accounts. So now keywords. You don't use random bullshit that get to your mind, or use online keyword scrappers. You need to go on the site that mostly has what you are looking for (atm we will be writing dorks for steam so we will go on steampowered.com, steamcommunity.com, store.steamcommunity.com, some games on steam e.t.c.) You need to look around for some keywords in the URLs when you click around and also you need to look for some common keywords around the site. Write them down or something. Now let's start writing the dorks. Open up Notepad++ and start writing them. I won't go into detail on how to use the keyboard and shit (if u dont know that just shut down ur pc). Here are the commands u need: Inurl: Google will restrict the results to documents containing that word in the url. For instance, inurl: steamcommunity will return documents that mention the word “steamcommunity” in their url, anywhere in the document (url or no). Note there can be no space between if you put more words. (You can use + and "" to put more words, but if u need more just use allinurl) [align=center] allinurl: Same as inurl but here you can write more words, eg. allinurl: "steampowered" + ".com" .[/align] allintitle: Here you tell google to look for the word provided in the title. allintitle: steam site: Google will look for URLS containing specific site, eg. site:com --> will look only for sites containing .com related: Google will look for URLs related to the keyword you put in, eg. related: steam ---> will look for urls related to steam Here are some dorks I wrote for this tutorial: Inurl: steampowered allinurl: "steam" + "call of duty" index.php?game= intext: "wrong password" e.t.c. Good Luck Cracking BOIZ. [/hide] All suspected leecher messages will be reported. Don't leech.